360-Degree Feedback

360-Degree Feedback: Steps, Pros and Cons

What Is 360-Degree Feedback??

Multi-source feedback, commonly referred to as a 360-degree feedback review, is a technique for assessing an employee’s performance by compiling feedback from multiple sources. This method involves receiving feedback on an employee’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement from the employee’s management, colleagues, subordinates, and even customers.

The feedback an employee receives from everyone they work with, including those above, below, and beside them, is referred to as “360-degree” feedback. Instead of relying exclusively on the viewpoint of the employee’s immediate supervisor, the purpose of a 360-degree appraisal is to present a more comprehensive and precise picture of the employee’s performance.

A 360-degree performance appraisal system typically gathers feedback to identify growth needs, offer coaching and training opportunities, and drive performance reviews and career development plans.

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The Process Of 360-Degree Feedback

The process of 360-degree performance appraisal or 360-degree feedback typically involves the following steps:

Identifying Participants

Choosing the individuals who will provide feedback on the appraisee’s performance is the first step. These participants frequently consist of the appraisee’s customers, peers, and superiors.

Developing the Appraisal Form

The next stage is to create the appraisal form, which should include a rating scale, and questions concerning the appraisee’s professional behavior, leadership and management abilities, job knowledge and skills, communication abilities, and overall performance. Participants should have a space on the form to leave feedback and recommendations.

Collecting Feedback

The created appraisal form must be provided to the selected participants. Giving participants enough time to fill out the form and offer feedback based on their conversations and observations with the appraisee is important.

Collating Feedback

After receiving participant input, the appraiser should compile and evaluate the comments. After analyzing the feedback, the appraiser should search for trends, emphasize areas of strength and weakness, and make note of any ideas for improvement.

Providing Feedback to the Appraisee

Based on the compiled input, the appraiser should give the appraiser feedback. The appraiser and appraisee should collaborate to create a plan for improvement after receiving constructive, encouraging feedback.

Developing an Action Plan

The creation of an action plan for the appraisee to enhance their performance is the last phase. The strategy should contain explicit objectives, timetables, and remediation techniques. The appraiser and appraisee should collaborate to track development and give each other regular comments and encouragement.

The 360-degree performance appraisal process is a thorough and efficient way to assess an employee’s performance, give comments, and create an improvement action plan. It combines information from several viewpoints and can result in a more comprehensive and accurate evaluation of a worker’s strengths and limitations.


The Pros and Cons of 360-degree Feedback

The use of a 360-degree performance review system has both benefits and drawbacks. Pros and drawbacks that stand out include:

The Pros of 360-degree Feedback: Below are the pros of 360-degree feedback-

  • Comprehensive feedback:
  • The employee’s supervisor, peers, subordinates, and even consumers can provide comments as part of the 360-degree appraisal system. In comparison to a standard performance evaluation, this may offer a more thorough and accurate picture of the employee’s performance.
  • Increased self-awareness:
  • Feedback is given to employees from a range of angles, which can help them better understand their own strengths and limitations and spot areas where they can grow.
  • Improved teamwork and communication:
  • As well as fostering improved teamwork and communication, 360-degree feedback can also help team members appreciate how various roles and departments fit into the larger perspective.


The Cons of 360-degree Feedback: Below are the cons of 360-degree feedback-

  • Time-consuming:
  • The administration of 360-degree feedback can take a lot of time because it entails integrating feedback from several sources into a thorough report.
  • Biases and inaccuracies:
  • A 360-degree appraisal can provide a wide range of input of varying quality, some of which may be inaccurate or biased. Furthermore, even when it is necessary, some employees could be reluctant to criticize their coworkers.
  • Lack of accountability:
  • Employees could feel less responsible for their input because it is obtained anonymously, and it can be challenging to follow up on particular issues or complaints.


All things considered, 360-degree feedback can be a helpful tool for giving thorough criticism and encouraging self-awareness and teamwork. However, they should be used in conjunction with other performance evaluation techniques and require thorough planning and administration to guarantee the quality and accuracy of the feedback.


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